Tuesday 22 March 2016

Legoland - 19-Mar Part 3 - Entrance

The first sight as we headed toward the park was a Lego Man greeting us:

Legoland Greeter

As we approached the gates Alana was talking about fainting and Kris said the best thing for it was to sit and put your head between your knees.  Cameron didn't believe it was possible, so for some reason we ended up with a head between knees demonstration on the side of the road on the way to the park:

Heads down - I'm not sure why we didn't take advantage of this and run off

They also stopped at these sculptures to randomly put their heads in things:

Nothing to see here, move along...

After our morning dose of weirdness we finally came in sight of the park.

Ticket booths

Welcome to Legoland Billund!

There were some cool Lego statues outside the park too:
Tom really liked the dinosaurs:
Tom and the dinosaur
There was also a really cool statue that looked very similar to some scenes from our house many years ago:

Alana, Cam and Tom?

Onward to the Entrance/Eingang/Indgang

We had a minor mishap at the gates - we had been given an A4 sheet with 5 barcodes, which were our tickets for both days.  I scanned the first and Alana entered, scanned the second and Cameron went in.  Then I scanned the third and Tomas pushed the turnstile around until it clicked but never entered.  He raced in when I scanned the next one, leaving Kris and I to try to squeeze in under the final barcode.  A guard saw us and came to check what was going on (and probably have a laugh).  He used his handheld scanner to zap all of our codes to check them (more on this later) and then let us in.

Inside was a little overwhelming.  There was a couple of shops opening up into a square with a fountain, several statues and the sights of mini-land spread out in front of us.

Top of one of the shops

Looking out over part of Miniland

More of the view of Miniland (see the Miniland section for more details)

A handy screen showed us the main rides and their estimated wait times
We expected some serious queues being the first day of the season and also the first day of the Ninjago ride, but in most cases we could walk onto most of the rides with little or no waiting and in a couple of cases were able to stay on for a second ride.  The Ninjago ride consistently had lines of around 50 minutes but this was its opening day so that wasn't unexpected.

Lego Shop

The main square was pretty cool:

The centrepiece was a fountain/clock:

The 'legs' of the fountain were filled with Lego bubbling up

Here's a sample of some of the statues in the entrance area:

D'oh! My icecream!

Cooking a fantastic pizza
Reading a Book

The tourist

Saluting with the cross-eyed porter

Statues in the Bank
Lego Letterbox
Lego Guard
We decided to do something fairly bad and try out the ridiculously big Lego-Land Ice creams.  The boys were able to get a dairy-free icecream (using rice milk) and Alana got an Oreo cone.  Kris and I tried the heart-attack in a cone.  It tasted good but we still feel guilty about it now:

Alana compares her cone with ours
The Legoland Marching band performs two days a month and both days we were there happened to be those days.  Around midday they marched through the park:

Marching Band
The Band

Ollie the dragon and the Legoland jester

The entrance also housed the Lego Friends display:

Lego Friends

Panorama of the full display
The lighthouse - doubles as a periscope to get an eagle eye view of the town

Lego Friends

Alana got a few shots with the Lego Friends group:

Alana and the Lego Friends
Close Up

Getting Comfortable

At the end of the second day, the kids got to have a meet and greet with Emmett from the Lego Movie.  They were pretty excited, especially when Cameron got him to dance.  Emmett arrived chasing the jester:

 Then we they got to the stage, Emmett ran off and the jester had to chase him:

Alana with Emmett
Tom (and Ollie) with Emmett

Cam with Emmett
Cam and Tom got Emmett to dance by singing "Everything is Awesome" - unfortunately I was taking photos and missed the start:

Next stop was Miniland - the place where we took 597 photos, so I'm dreading sorting through it...

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