Tuesday 22 March 2016

Legoland - 19-Mar Part 2 - Legoland Village

We arrived at our Legoland Village at about 11:30am and while we weren't supposed to check-in until 3pm they let us have an early check in.

We never told the kids we were going to Legoland, just that we were heading into Denmark.  They were too busy playing their IPads to notice much but Alana did point out a sign to Legoland as we passed it.  When we pulled up in the driveway for the Legoland Village they were pretty confused until we explained. They were all very excited and Cameron had to take a few minutes to stop hyperventilating.

The Village itself felt a little like a caravan park but there were lego themed statues everywhere, even the carpark:

Entrance to Legoland Holiday Village

Adventure themed in carpark

Entry to the Restaurant, complete with lego squirrels

Pirate ship in the carpark

Owls on the sign
On the signpost

We stayed in the Pirate Inn, which was a small set of hotel rooms - we had two sets of bunk beds - with a double bed at the base of one of them and a bathroom.  They were pirate themed and we found them comfortable.  The kids loved the lego theme too.

Getting our room ready

Bathroom wall, complete with Lego Spider

The kids loved their bunks

The corner of our room

We also got a chest of Lego blocks to play with

I was a bit worried about the Lego voyeur across from our room - the kids thought he was a Minion (from Despicable Me)

Pelican outside the Inn
Once we'd settled in we let Kris have a rest as she had a headache from driving and I went to book us for dinner at the restaurant that evening and for breakfast the next day.  When I got back, Kris was feeling better and we headed over to the park.

That evening we had dinner at the Pirate Buffet, which was pretty costly but well worth it as it gave an easy way to feed everyone after a hectic day and the kids had fun.  The food was pretty decent - they had roast beef, pork and potatoes.  There was also lasagne, pasta, salads and hamburgers.  The kids favourites were the Lego block shaped chips (they even tasted good - like roast potatoes):

Lego chips

Of course Tomas liked the cherry tomatoes.  He dipped them in tomato sauce and when we asked him why, he said "It's ok, they're with family."  He then proceeded to stuff two in his cheeks:

Tom and the Tomatoes (sounds like a band name)
Alana tried it too, but I felt that she looked like the Motorettes from the Hoobs:
Alana and the Tomatoes


The restuarant also had plenty of lego themed displays and the staff dressed as pirates and had sword fights with the kids:

The corner of the restaurant

Restaurant Display

The next morning we decided to complete a competition the village hosted.  There were Lego letters hidden in places throughout the village and they were marked on our map.  So we explored the village:

Map of Legoland Village

The Village was divided into a few areas.  The Pirate Inn was the grouping of buildings at the bottom.  After that are the Wild West Cabins which are traditional campsite cabins:
Wild West Cabins
Then there are traditional campsites for caravans or tents.  At the far end of the park is the Indian Village were there were frames set up for tepees so we were thinking this might be for school or camp groups:

Entrance to Indian Camp
Lego Totem Pole in the Indian Camp

There was also a playground:

Boys playing on the obstacle course

 and a small farm with donkeys and rabbits:

Donkey (not it's not Lego)

By the farm we found one of our letters:


Each of the camping and cabin rows was marked with a symbol (see the map) and the roads each had an animal theme complete with lego models:
Racoon Forest

Map, complete with Woodpecker

Wolf Territory

Squirrels on the map
Bear Territory
Beaver Territory

Eagle Plains

We also found a wagon and Lego donkey:

Wagon (not Lego)

Donkey (lego)
and another playground:


Breakfasts were also at the restaurant - buffet of bacon, eggs, sausages, cereal,  yogurt and pancakes.

But enough about our campsite - onwards to Legoland!

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