Sunday 27 December 2015

The Goat burns!

We received the sad news today that the Gävle goat did not survive the Christmas period.

The goat burns
This is the 34th time the goat has burned down since it was first built in 1966.  At 3am Sunday morning (Boxing day) police arrested a very drunk man in his twenties.  Apparently the man had doused the goat in petrol and set it alight.  His clothing had also apparently caught alight.

It was all caught on video: 
The goat burns (warning, there is some coarse language mixed in the Swedish - the "s" word)

 It was due to be dismantled on the 29th of December.

The goat this year was 13m high, 7m long and weighed 3.6 tonnes.

RIP Gävle Goat.  You will be remembered.

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