Tuesday 29 December 2015

Our trip to Göteborg - Liseberg Theme Park - Part 3, Fairytale Castles, Chocolate wheels, Vikings and the Jukebox (Post 5 of 8)

After finishing up in the Tomte house we continued exploring the park.  The next thing we noticed were people lugging around 2kg blocks of chocolate - Toblerones, Dumle or Kex bars.  It turns out that there are a stack of sideshows that offer these as prizes - essentially giant chocolate wheels:
Dumle Chocolate Wheel stand

 There was also a full christmas market selling ornaments (hand-blow glass that was awesome but unlikely to survive the trip home), reindeer pelts and antlers (sorry Rudolf) and korv (sausages) made from Reindeer (Blitzen this time I think) or moose.

Some market stalls
The reindeer tent

Reindeer (Ren), Moose (Alg) and Bear (Bjorn) sausages


The Waveswinger, over the top of the markets
The Milkshake side show - move the bottle between the pipes to catch as much water as you can
Kris then pointed out the back section of the park that we hadn't been to and to my excitement it was a viking section.  There were medieval armorers selling weapons, both real swords and toy ones for the kids, a blacksmith and a viking store selling horn products.

Armorer's Stall
I bought myself a quaffing horn and a dagger:
Me looking like a dork with the items I bought


We then came across the Fairy Tale Castle ride,

Fairy Tale Castle

The kids complained it was a little too tame - it was a tour through several fairy tales - Peter Pan, Emperors New Clothes (Kejsarna Nya Kläder), Alice in Wonderland (Alice I Underlandet), Aladdin (Aladdins Lampa), Sleeping Beauty (Törnrosa - literally Pink Tower), Cinderella (Askungen).  It was pretty well done with puppets similar to those in the Tomte workshop.  Although the magic was spoilt a little when Kristine pointed out that one of the pirates in the Peter Pan display had the head taken from a "My Child" doll, like one she had as a kid.

From there we went to the main walkway and shops, which were getting a bit more busy, but still looked awesome, lit up for Christmas:

Main Street
There was a Hansel and Gretel iceskating show going on, but we couldn't get close.  Instead I did managed to snap this shot of the Hansel and Gretel display:

Hansel and Gretel

The kids found their favourite ride - the Jukebox.  It was much too fast and spinny for Kris, so I took the kids on it - Cam went with Alana and I took Tomas.  It went pretty fast so I was a bit concerned, and when Cam looked at me once we were buckled in and said "I think I'm going to die" I was more than a little concerned.  But they loved it.  Tomas, at one point, turned to look at me seriously and said "I'm not screaming because I'm scared, I'm screaming with joy and funniness".

They went on it twice in a row, although the excuse the second time was that we were looking for Cam's gloves which flew off in the first turn, but that he didn't notice until we exited.

The jukebox - each car spins and the whole set of three spin also - quite fast

After that we looked at a few more stalls but we were running out of time.  We decided on one last ride - they could go on the jukebox again, on the adult dodgem cars or on the Kaninlandsbanan - Rabbit Country Line - a skyride over the Kaninland they started in. Cam really wanted to go on the  dodgems but was outvoted and instead we went on the Kaninslandsbanan.  It was quite a slow ride for kids but they enjoyed it.

On the way up, through the carrot factory

View from the top

View from the top

The official Liseberg photo of the ride

After that we had fish and chips in the park and then raced back across the skybridge to try to get to our car before we got a parking ticket.  We got back 15 minutes after the ticket had expired but luckily we survived this time...

We headed back to the cabin and the kids went straight to bed (it was 9pm), I sat up and worked out the plan for the next day before we all finally fell asleep.

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