Saturday 9 April 2016

Staffanstorp and Expat BBQ at Skrylle Forest (2 & 3rd April)

This weekend we met up with our friends from Lund at Staffanstorp for a great play at a playground and also to get some of the goodies they brought over for us from Australia (thanks again!) like vegemite, cadbury chocolate and BBQ shapes.

Spin me around again

The playground

He's either having fun or in pain

The next day we headed to Skrylle Forest to have an Easter BBQ with the Aussie expats.  Skrylle was one of the places that we went to early on in our trip and we were keen to return.

The trees were still a bit bare from winter, however there were already signs of green appearing around the place:

The path to our site

While we waited for everyone to arrive we had a kick of the football and rugby ball.

Kick it to me!

I should probably stop taking photos and catch it...

We (well Kris and Andrew) got a good fire going for our BBQ and the kids collected plenty of wood

Our firepit

The kids got involved in painting some eggs while us adults hung around the fire, drank beer or randomly poked the flames with a stick

Painting eggs

Tomas was much more interested in eating the eggs - he stuffed one in each pocket to save for lunch and ate the third:

Yum, egg!
More egg painting - note where Tom's hands are - he has an egg in each

Alana's egg

We all brought some meat to cook - we had some minute steaks that cooked really well and made nice sandwiches

After lunch we roasted some marshmallows

There was no mess at all...

No mess.. really

The ladies then set up an egg hunt while the guys took the kids down to the playground to kick the football, play chasey and generally annoy the quiet Swedish families.

Cameron found an alternate body:

Is it a pig with Cam's head, or a Cam with a pigs body?

We then headed back to the campsite for an egg hunt
The egg hunt

Overall we all had a great day.  We then headed back to Rebecca's for an awesome dinner, someone (not me I swear!  ok it was me...) fell asleep on the couch and we had a good catch up.

The weekend flew past.  Monday we had a night out to see John Cleese's "Last Time to See Me Before I Die" tour.

We were in the third row back right in front of where he sat to talk

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