Tuesday 26 April 2016

London - Part 3 - Borough Market and South Bank (22nd - 25th April)

Our next destination was the South Bank of the Thames to check out many of the main sights of London.

First we headed to the Borough food markets for lunch - it was packed but the food was tasty and filling.

Borough Market

Inside the market

After finishing lunch we continued to the South Bank across London Bridge and came across this monument:

The monument
Base of the Monument
We didn't really know what the monument was to, it was just titled "The Monument", but luckily Kristine's camera takes such high resolution photos I could zoom in and tell you that it is a monument designed by Sir Christopher Wren commemorating the Great Fire on London in 1656.

We then passed the Globe Shakespeare Theater, which was celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare.

Globe Theater

We passed the Millennium Bridge:

Millennium Bridge
We stopped at a tourist shop and since the picture from the tower wasn't bad enough we posed for a scary Paddington photo:

That's just scary

South Bank
I saw this bin, and while I think the quote works well, putting it on a bin gives it a completely different meaning:
Lovely bin
Looking back along South Bank - the sloping building is the "Cheesegrater" and the "Walkie Talkie" is on the right

The St Peter's Dome, and the Cheese Grater

Big Ben and the House of Parliament

The London Eye
There was a festival on just under the London Eye - The Udder Belly Festival:

Udder Belly

We then walked down past the National Gallery where they were hosting the Feast of Saint George and the under the Admiral's Arch:

Admiral's Arch

I almost managed to convince Kristine that the smaller second arch was the Arc De Triomphe..

Not really the Arc De Triomphe

We then headed down towards Buckingham Palace where they were setting up for the London Marathon:

Down the road towards Buckingham Palace

Statue of Captain James Cook

Monument to Artillery

We had to take a detour through St James Park to get to the Palace and then on to our last destination.

1 comment:

  1. Ah...brings back memories. Been to London 3 times and managed to see so many places that were on my bucket list.
