Saturday 9 April 2016

Catching up with Julian - Ystad and Malmö (26-28 March)

This Easter long weekend we had one of my old friends, Julian, come to visit from London. We managed to borrow a car from one of the other expat families (in exchange for some of Kris' home-made hot cross buns) so we decided to show Julian Ystad and Ales Stenar.

Julian arrived late Friday night (about midnight) after catching up with some friends in Copenhagen.  We had a chat and then set him up on the sofa bed for the night.  The next morning we took a drive down to Ystad.


We spent a bit of time wandering around through all of the areas we had seen last trip and showing Julian the sights.  Ystad was set up for Easter so there were plenty of feathers and Easter themed decorations.

The herb garden even had secret Easter lemons (yellow is the colour of Easter):

Easter lemon nest

Julian showed the kids some of his parkour skills in the foundations by the old monastery


which then saw the kids climbing and jumping on everything - which worked well to tire them out..

We stopped to get lunch but they were so busy we ended up actually getting our food about 5 minutes before our parking tickets ran out.  Since we had two cars parked we definitely didn't want a parking ticket so we inhaled out food as fast as we could and almost ran to the cars. 

We then headed down to Ales Stenar:

Ales Stenar - Yes that is Cameron and Tomas lying on each other and Julian asking them to explain what they were doing.

The aftermath

Kris made the mistake of standing by the edge of the cliff to take some photos so of course we all migrated over there:

Its only about 100m down to the rocks...

I had to include the next photo it is a panoramic shot of the stones, but Cameron moved his hand between shots which made it a bit more disturbing.

Yes that is his hand falling off

Cam and Julian also got eaten by a giant prawn (?) at the bottom of the stones:

Owww my spleen!

We got home fairly late and put the kids to bed, then Julian and I went out to meet some friends for a few 'quick' drinks at the Malmö Brewhouse.  We left at around 6:30 and got home at 1am.

View from the train station

The next morning we decided to take Julian for a walk through Malmö.  We started at Triangeln and walked through Gustaf Adolfs Torg and then to Kings Park by Malmö house.  We had a soccer game that soon devolved into tantrums (this time it wasn't Julian or me...)

The soccer game
Julian goes on a cross-country hike to fetch the ball after Cam missed the goal

We came across a statue of the goddess of the hunt.  However Julian and the kids decided it worked well as a carousel:


We got back home in time for dinner and then sat up playing board games.  The next day we slept in and dropped Julian off at the train station. 

It was good to catch up with him again and we're keen to head across to London later to meet up again.

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