Tuesday 26 April 2016

London - Part 5 - Catching up with Nadia (22nd - 25th April)

The next day (Sunday) we drove up to Cambridge to meet with one of our friends, Nadia, who we hadn't seen for four years.

It was awesome to drive through the picturesque countryside and great to catch up with Nadia.

The drive


Catching up with Nadia
Nadia cooked an awesome roast for us and had made a cake the day before in a cake making class, and we couldn't let it go untested.

The Roast Dinner
Nadia and the cake

We stayed at Nadia's until 9:30pm and drove back to Julian's, arriving just before midnight.  The next day we were up at 5:30am to head to the airport to return the car and fly home.

We arrived back in Copenhagen at 11am and caught the train to Malmö.  We got home at 1:00pm, had quick showers and then raced to school to pick up the kids.

It was a crazy busy weekend but a lot of fun and great to have a break and catch up with friends again.

Thanks to Rebecca and Andrew for having the kids for the WHOLE weekend, Julian for putting us up and being an awesome tour guide for Saturday and Nadia for the excellent roast and cake :)

We'll have to head back to the UK soon with the kiddies.

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