Monday 10 July 2023

Turning Torso Tour (8 Jul 23)

 Today the tribe toured the Turning Torso...

Alliteration aside, throughout the main weeks of summer, the Skyhigh meetings host tour groups to their meeting rooms at the top floor (floor 54) of the Turning Torso.

The Torso is one of the main sights on the skyline of Malmo and is either loved or hated by most visitors and residents.  Either way, there is no doubt that it is one of the key sights in Malmo.  It was built in 2005 and was the tallest building in the Nordic region until 2022. It was built by a company HSB and designed by a Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, based on the concept of a human torso based in Malmo, but turning to look over at Copenhagen, showing the clear relationship between the two cities. The plan was to create a new recognizable feature for the Malmo skyline after the Kockums crane was removed.

Each floor twists 1.6 degrees and these were set by GPS during construction.  The center of the building is a concrete pipe with an inner diameter of 10.6m. At the base, the pipe has wall thickness of 2.5m which narrows to 0.4m at the top.  This core houses the lifts and stairwells.  The slabs are installed around the core and are pie-shaped, rotating to form the twist. Outside the building is the 'spine', a steel support which weights about 820 tons.

The Torso has 2313 window panels and 2368 windows, which are all washed twice a year.

The tower has 54 floors, consisting of offices and apartments, a gym and meeting rooms.  There is also an underground tunnel leading to a gallery, wine cellar and carpark.

Our house was only a minutes walk from the Torso so it was probably the closest tourism event we had ever attended.

Our tour met in the foyer at the bottom of the Torso and then we took an elevator up to the 54th floor.  The entire trip took 38 seconds.

From the top we walked through the inner pipe corridor into the outer corridor and then into one of the big meeting rooms (HSB Hall).

Inner Corridor

Outer Corridor

Top Floor Layout.

We started by looking at the views from the HSB Hall before watching a video in Swedish and English about the construction of the tower.  After that, the entire floor was opened up and we were able to look around the other rooms and check out the amazing view from all the rooms.

The HSB Hall looked mostly over Malmo, while the Wallander room (where we were served coffee and biscuits) looked out over the Oresund.

Satellite image of what is around the Turning Torso (Torso is the green mark in the middle left)

Kristine ended up taking a pic from almost all the windows and stitching it together - the final pic was too big to fit on here, but here's a selection of her pics and mine.  Bonus points if you can match the pics to the map above:

Malmo Hus

Viewing Room

Daniaparken badplats

Oresund Bridge

Wallander Room

Vastra Hamnen

Oresund Bridge and the Oresund Windfarm

Sailing ships coming into the harbour


St Peter's Church

Sunday we had planned to head to Trelleborg for another Viking market, but we were all pretty tired so we had a quiet day and prepped for the Germany trip.

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