Monday 24 July 2023

Germany Trip (10-23 Jul) - Day 13&14 - Lalandia (22-23 Jul)

 In order to relax for the end of our trip, we booked two nights at the Lalandia Water Park in Rødby. We had previously visited in 2016 (Our previous visit).

I didn't get many photos of this part of the trip, as there's something creepy about a bearded 42 year man taking photos inside a swimming centre...

The park was fairly unchanged since the last visit, except there was a small modification to the Wild River Ride, to remove the pool section that Tomas got stuck in and just make it a corner instead. The kids spent most of their time on this one, as it didn't have as many stairs as the other one and the line moved a lot quicker as multiple people could go at the same time.  This inevitably ended up with the boys having races to see who could get to the bottom first, or who wiped out the best when going down backwards.

Other than that, the trip was fairly relaxing, and we left around 1pm on Sunday to get home at 3pm.

All in all, it was a great trip. It's not often you can hit 6 countries in two weeks and we saw some amazing sights.

Excluding out all of the extra back-and-forths (including up and down the Romantic Road), we travelled over 3,100km (about 40hrs of driving), visited 6 countries (Denmark, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and France), ticked off some bucket list items (Rothenberg, Maginot Line, Bern) and saw some great sights.

Not bad for our first trip, 3 weeks after relocating - I think at this stage last time, we'd made it about as far as Malmö Hus...

Our cabin

The outside of the waterslides

Heading in

The entrance to the Aquadome

My toe was an unfortunate casualty - I caught it on one of the steps just as we were leaving and tore half my toe-nail off

Our travels

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