Sunday 2 July 2023

Malmö Food Truck Festival and Fotevikens Viking Market (1 & 2 Jul 2023)

This weekend there were a few events in Malmö and the surrounding areas.  On Saturday Malmö hosted an international food van festival. Cameron was playing Playstation with his friends, so Kris and I took Tomas down to Stortorget (via the Malmöhus Castle gardens).  Tom took his skateboard and was able to ride part of the way.

Skateboarding alongside the Turbinkanalen

The Fish Harbour

On the way we came across the tourist tram through the Fish Harbour, where the driver still needs to manually switch the tracks:

Passing into the Malmöhus gardens we saw the starting of setting up for the summer festivals - a stage and some tents:

Stottsmöllan - The Castle Mill
We came into Stortorget from the south and could already see it was pretty busy:

The centre of the square was taken up by a Street Bar and surrounding it were lots of different food vans selling foods from a variety of different countries, such as the German Coal Grill - which was smoking fish:

Malmö Townhall over the top of the foodvans

There was a lot to choose from, but we ended up settling on Columbian Arepas:

In typical Swedish summer fashion, it started to rain, so we walked home and spent the evening inside.

On Sunday we headed out to the Foteviken's Viking Market.  We had been there a few times last time we were in Sweden and it was fairly small compared to Ribe and a few of the big markets, but it was always fun to check out - with the benefit of being only 30min drive away.

Sunday was the last day of the weeklong market and viking camp and it was pretty windy, but at least we had some sun and no rain.

Fotevikens is a viking museum that consists of a viking village recreated using the original materials and techniques. Every year it hosts the "Vikingavecka (Viking Week)" and "Vikingamarknad (Viking Market)" where people camp at the site in traditional tents and buildings and sell viking wares.

Smokehouse, Fishery Cottage and Tanner's Homestead

Kristine found some leather hairpins and ended up buying an Yggdrasil pin:

Kristine had to drag me away from the swords:

The centre of Fotevikens is the Förvarstornet (Fortified Tower):

Fotevikens also houses some recreations of viking rune stones, such as this recreation of the Tullstorp Runestone which forms the Fotevikens Logo:

Text translates to "Klibbe and Åsa erected this stone in memory of Ulf."

Fotevikens Logo

The houses in the open air museum have been constructed using traditional materials and techniques, such as the entrance of the Weaver's House:

and town hall:

After the market, we took a quick drive to Skanör, the southernmost point of Sweden.  It started to rain again, so we didn't stay long before heading back home.

One more week of work and then we start our Semester Holiday - a drive into Germany and Switzerland.

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