Friday 10 June 2016

Kris's Weekend (4-5 June)

Last weekend was fairly quiet  - I had a rugby game MRC XV - Lugi RFC 48-31 and Kris did the colour run:

Colour Run - After
Before I get on to describing this weekend, I thought I'd retell a story about Kristine and Rebecca's trip to the colour run.  The week before I had been joking with Rebecca how things always seemed to happen to Kristine and this weekend pretty much proved it.  They got out of the house fine to catch the bus to Lund for the Colour Run and that's where things started going strange...  The road outside our house only has the #4 bus line, which heads into Malmö Central Station, to catch any other bus we need to head in the opposite direction a few streets.  That was fine, they wanted to head to Central in order to catch the train, so when a bus turned up with #34 on the front they were a little confused.  We'd seen buses with the wrong number before, so they weren't overly concerned, but they did ask the driver to make sure the bus went to Central.  Once they were assured that it did, they settled down for the ride.

A few minutes later, a passenger came down to the driver to inform her that she has taken a wrong turn and that she was a #34 and was now on the wrong route.  The bus (which happened to be a double, articulated bus) then tried to undergo a three point turn and ended up doing about 30 points with some nice grinding of metal and blocking all four lanes of the road as well as cutting across a park.  When Kris and Rebecca realised that this was now going to be a #34 they asked to get off so they could catch the #4, but the driver wasn't going to stop until she got to the next stop, that was in the complete opposite direction.  Eventually they managed to escape and walk to the bus stop to catch the correct bus.

A Malmö Bus (not the same one)
The train was also an interesting trip - some old men in front of them were downing mini-bottles of spirits and copious amounts of alcohol. The wives were drinking mini-bottles of champagne.

They got to Lund and then had no idea where to go, so they randomly followed people until they found the signs for the colour run (or got arrested for stalking...) They lined up for an hour and a half to get their kit and then lined up for another hour to get through the chute.

Kris met up with a Swede who was walking alone and struggling a little, so they teamed up and finished together.

Somehow they ended up home safe. 

Meanwhile I had taken the kids to my rugby game and Cameron had a birthday party to go to straight after, so I changed quickly and we raced off to get to the party - turns out that the address was on Kristine's phone and not mine, so I had to call her and get the address.  We arrived just in time and got home just as Kris arrived.

Sunday was Swedish Mother's Day and after giving Kris her presents we had a Skåne Old Boys training and BBQ.

This weekend I disappeared off to Romania to play Skåne Old Boys Rugby and Kris was left home with the kids. I probably would have just put the TV and XBox on and hidden in the bedroom, but instead Kris got out and about in the awesome Swedish sun.  The weather sat in the high 20s and there was plenty of sunshine.

On Saturday, Kris took the kids down to the beach at Ribersborg (as a random note, the recommended spelling for Ribersborg in the auto-correct is "BeriBeri" for some reason) with one of our friends and their family.

Riberborg with the Badhus (Bathhouse) in the background
The kids has plenty of fun splashing in the water and watching the swans swimming in the ocean.


Swans in the ocean in front of the Badhus

On Sunday, one of the expats had a birthday and Kris took the kids down to the park for a picnic and some games:
Tom gets some cricket tips

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