Friday 10 June 2016

Romania - Skåne Old Boys Rugby - Part 2 - Walking Tour of Bucharest (3-6 June)

The next day I started a little slowly, sleeping in until about 9, before heading down for a buffet breakfast.  Then we decided to go for a walking tour around Bucharest with a couple of my team mates.

Here's some of the sights of Bucharest:

Life and Death shrines at a church

EU building

Quite an impressive building
The church

An interesting wiring job - seen all around Romania
An old Communist era block of flats
Academy of Economic Studies
Not sure what this sign is - I think its a school zone.  There were some interesting suggestions on my facebook page
Some very interesting scaffolding outside a church
More scaffolding

The view from my hotel window

We came across the Romanian Athenaeum, a concert hall in the centre of Bucharest. It was opened in 1888 and is the home of the George Enescu (a famous composer) Philharmonic.

The Atheneul Roman (Romanian Athenaeum)
The dome
The front

Some more shots of Bucharest central:

The art museum

Carol I Royal Foundation Palace

The base of the statue
King Carol I

The ornate doors to the Central University Library

This next building was pretty interesting:

A glass building inside an old shell

Through the window you can see that the glass building fills the whole inside
The rear of the building

It turns out that the shell was the Headquarters of the Union of Romanian Architects. It was destroyed during the revolution in 1989.  When it was renovated in 2003-2007 it was decided to retain the historic outer shell and build inside it.

An interesting church hidden between two large concrete buildings

Another church

An unfinished cement building

When we arrived back at the hotel the boys were having lunch and starting to get ready for the game:


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