Wednesday 25 May 2016

Öland and Kalmar - Part 9 - Eketorp

We saved the best for last (well in my opinion anyway).. As we walked through the ruined forts, Cameron kept saying he wondered what the forts would have looked like before they were ruined.  Eketorp was a reconstruction of one of the old ringforts and gave some answers.

Along the road to Eketorp are a series of signs showing landmarks in history from the founding of the fort originally:
1989 - Information Technology, Globalisation, Broadband, Fall of the Berlin Wall, EU, World Heritage

1914-1989 Wars, World Wars, Genocide, Technical Development, Moon Mission, Welfare State, Öland Bridge

1720-1789 Science, Knowledge, Information, Revolution, French Revolution, Carl Von Linne, Windmills

1560-1720 Superpowers, Religious Wars, Kingship, Quill, Lutheran Catholic, The Swedish Bureucracy, Hunting Parks

1520-1560 Gustav Vasa, Peasant Uprisings, Renaissance, Kingdom Heritage, Martin Luther, Gustav Visa, Dacke Feud

1397-1520 Kalmar Union, Explorations, Knightly Ideals, World Map, Jeanne D'Arc, Union Battlers, Thirty Year War (Ofredsår)
1060-1397 New Field, Cathedrals, pestilence, Genghis Khan, Crusades, Legislation, Church Building

800-1060 Viking Times, Trade, Plundering, Contact, Viking Trips, Christianization, Runestones

0-800 Iron, Christianity, Islam, Smithing, Roman Empire, Astronomy, Castle Building
Eketorp was built in the iron age and expanded in the Middle ages. It was originally a ringfort, then a medieval safe haven and finally a cavalry garrison. It has since been repaired and reconstructed as a tourist site.

Eketorp Fortress

Outside the walls

The Gates

Inside the walls - foundations
Central Building

Reconstructed animal pens

Demonstration of how the arches are made
Panoramic shot of the inside of Eketorp
Alana on the walls
Reconstructed houses

Reconstructed Smithy

Exploring the houses

I give a history lesson

Alana practicing being an archer in the medieval garrison (she was a Clash of Clans archer)

Cameron being a Clash of Clans Barbarian

The well

The Ironage layout of Eketorp - Eketorp Fort

The next configuration - Iron Age

The Medieval Garrison of Eketorp
The walls
Panoramic view from the walls

Panoramic view, looking back into Eketorp from front wall

Panoramic view into Eketorp from side wall
Looking toward gate house from side wall

Having finished up at Eketorp we began the 4hr drive home.  We will probably have to return to Öland at some point as we missed the entire northern part of the island and quite a few of the sites in the bottom.

It was a great trip, but we were exhausted when we got home.

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