Friday 10 June 2016

Romania - Skåne Old Boys Rugby - Part 3 - Rugby! (3-6 June)

Saturday afternoon was the main feature (or secondary feature after the cheap beer...) the Skåne Old Boys rugby games.

We played a younger Romanian team first and then the Romanian Draculas Old Boys Team.
First views of the park

Entry to the sports complex

The field

Getting ready for warm-up

Dracula Old Boys

The trophy
The weather was originally set to be over 30 degrees and 90% humidity.  It was still fairly humid but overcast so the temperature didn't get too bad.  The Old Boys play slightly different rules - uncontested scrums and line-outs and no counter-rucking.  They also have colour-coded shorts which allows older players to play without full impact - red shorts mean that a player can be held but not fully tackled and white shorts mean that the player is only allowed to be touched and not tackled.

There are over 300 photos of the game, but I've only put up ones showing me - mostly because I'm narcissistic but also because I didn't want to put up too many pics of other players without permission.

The boys played really well, unfortunately the younger guys managed to beat us in the end with their younger legs finding overlaps on the wing.  The Draculas game was much closer but it was our second game of the day and we went down by a try.


Maul vs Draculas-  Im the set of legs in the middle (with the Canterbury boots)
The line-up vs Romanians
The Line-up vs the Draculas
The teams
Me looking very fit...
Puplett 22

Straightening up the nose again..
Crouch... Bind... (uncontested scrum - hence why we are so high)

After the games we had a BBQ and plenty of beer. We headed back to the hotel around 1:30am.

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