Wednesday 25 May 2016

International Food Festival (18-May)

This week (Wednesday to Sunday) the International Food Festival has hit Malmö.  We weren't going to get a chance to go over the weekend, as we had rugby training Thursday and Friday - Sunday we were heading off to Kalmar/Öland, so I had Kris and the kids meet me after work Wednesday and we headed down.

The market was centered on Gustav Adolfs Torg, but did spread a little way down the roads on either side.  It wasn't as big as I expected but there were plenty of enticing smells - Paella, pepperonis, burgers and fish and chips.

Heading into Gustav's from Stora Torget

Holland Pepperoni and Cheeses

Crepes, Waffles and someone doing something odd with a French Bulldog
English Fudge and a very grumpy looking Swede - guess he doesn't like the English or fudge
The fudge selection

It's a hard choice...

Then there was this place - The Australian Barbecue Co. 

Aussie BBQ Co.
I might have felt at home except for a few things:
1. No self respecting Aussie would spell out BBQ,
2. It was manned by Swedes,
3. They sold a Zebra Burger - I could handle crocodile, kangaroo and Camel but Zebra!?
4. The surf boards were crap.
Crocodile anyone?

In fact the English fudge shop probably had the most Aussie thing there:

Beer Fudge (but being the English shop it was probably warm)

We ended up with a stack of different pepperonis, some fudge, churros and some authentic turkish delight.

The central part

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