Sunday 10 January 2016

Our discovery that snow and sand make great snowballs...

Kris was feeling a bit better today and we'd had more snowfall, so we were keen to get out and have a play.  We couldn't go too far as Kris was still needing to rest, so we decided to head to the park across the road.

Before we left, I got the kids to scrape the snow from the steps so they didn't get iced up and slippery:

Alana Helping

The car also was looking a little different:
My car

Cold Car

The kids started to make a snowman - it was going well until Tomas sat on it.
Snowman's body

There had been a decent fall of snow

The easiest way to see the depth of the fall was by scraping at the snow on the greenhouse:
Snow on the greenhouse

Kris was on crutches but she still found a chance to throw snow over my head and down the back of my jacket:


Alana offered to drag Tomas on his toboggan, but somehow I got stuck dragging Cameron:

Alana dragging Tomas down our road

And me dragging Cameron

The crutches didn't slow Kristine too much:
Cam and Kris

When we got to the playground, the kids were disappointed that there wasnt enough snow to pile up and make a toboggan run, but they did find that they could slide down the slippery-dip on their toboggans.

Cam hits the bottom - Literally.  There were bumps in the slide "Why did it have to hurt my bum!" he yelled.  They started on the small slide but ended on the big one in the background

Risking broken bones is fun Dad!

Alana slides while Cam gets ready for his next shot
More play equipment

Alana in the swing

Cam and Tom climbing

A bit of playing eventually ended up in a full blown snow fight - all onto Dad.  Unfortunately the snow wasn't very deep and the playground had sand under the snow so most of the snowballs thrown at Dad ended up being a nice mix of gritty sand and snow.  I ended up picking sand out of my neck and shoulders for the next few hours.

We only stayed out for an hour as Kris needed to rest up, but the next day we risked a trip to Lund to visit our friends there.  They'd had even more snow and the kids had good fun ploughing through it.

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