Sunday 3 January 2016

New Years Eve

We decided to have a quiet New Years Eve this year - after the exciting Christmas and the trip to Göteborg we were pretty tired out - but Sweden had other thoughts.

When the kiddies got to bed, around 7pm, the sporadic fireworks (going since about 4pm when it got dark) started to pick up.  The kids watched from their window for about half an hour before falling asleep.  I'd already told Kristine I wasn't all that interested in fireworks - after you've seen 35 years of New Year shows, the next one doesn't feel like it has much to offer (I know, bah-humbug), so when she went outside (in the -1 degree temperature) at about 10pm to watch a few of the fireworks, I grudgingly went along, but we didn't stay out for too long.

Around 11:30pm though, things went crazy.  There were fireworks going off in a full 360 degrees around us.  See, in Sweden there are fireworks for sale in the days between Christmas and New Years, and every man and his dog (and his cat and his goldfish...) have stocked up.  The council for the district also puts on a show, but they can't beat every second house setting off their entire stash.

The sky was lit continually in all directions and the constant pop and bang of the fireworks sounded like a warzone.  By the time midnight came around, Kris and I were standing in the middle of the road, spinning around trying to catch all of the show as the street filled up with smoke.  Turns out that the environment-conscious Swedes throw environmentalism to the wind on NYE.  The smoke got pretty thick and for the next few days we were stepping over discarded firework casings.

The kids (including Tomas who swears that he is a light sleeper) somehow managed to sleep through it all.

Happy New Year everyone!

More fireworks
Even more fireworks
A 360 degree view of the fireworks around us

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