Sunday 17 January 2016

Limhamn sports park (Jan-17)

Today we decided to take it easy and recover from our trip to Bjärred Beach.  It was sunny outside, but still around -3 degrees.

We'd seen a sports park in Limhamn with rugby posts, AFL goals and nice snow covered sloping sides that would be perfect for tobogganing, and it was only 5 minutes drive away (well about 20 minutes away but that was due to road-works... Just like being back in Adelaide.)

We did a quick stop at a few places to gather some statues for our BINGO game (see the updates to those posts if you're interested).  One of the places we stopped was Hammars Parken to see Snäcken (Shell). At first I thought it looked like a giant snowman's body but Kris recognised it and we pulled into the park.

There was also a pretty cool playground in the shape of a pirate ship that the kids enjoyed.

To get to the park we had to cross a stream, which hadn't frozen due to the fact it was running quite fast:

The playground was pretty cool:
The play equipment

And we found that there must have been another Aussie there before us:

Thong in the snow

We then headed down to the park and the kids got some slides on the toboggans.  Unfortunately they also managed to get in a decent sibling all-in-brawl which involved kicking each others toboggans, so we came home and had a quiet evening and early bedtime.

Alana slides
Tomas slides

Alana going down, Tom coming up
It's a long way back up..

A long way... (that's Alana still sliding in the distance)

Cam slides
Cam taking the long way up

Once everyone had calmed down, the kids helped me make tacos for dinner.
Tomas sets the lettuce up
Alana grates the cheese

Making Hot Chocolates.  The actual caption for this "Dad, stop taking photos!"

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