Wednesday 31 August 2016

UK Trip Pt 3 - Crippled Crows vs FBI (USA) - 20-28th August

Monday 22nd August was the first Crippled Crows game.  We were originally supposed to be playing against the Cardiff Harlequins, but despite being one of the hosting teams, they didn't show up and we ended up playing FBI, a team made from retired US defence personnel.

The Old Boys rugby games (at the  level we play) are fun more than competitive and have modified rules.  There is no contesting in the scums, no lifting in the line-outs, no kicking and no counter-rucking.  Also since there are players of a wide variety of ages, there are different sets of colour-coded shorts -

Red shorts (ages 60-69) can be held up but not tackled.
Gold shorts (age 70-79) can not be tackled and can run 15m unhindered with the ball,
Purple shorts (age 80+) same rules as gold shorts.

Players with coloured shorts may not pass to another player in coloured shorts (preventing a chain of untackleable players).

Being that I came from Sweden, I was given the nickname Ikea.

Here's some of the pictures Kristine took of the game:

Me warming up.

While the Crippled Crows doesn't split into original teams, here's a pic of the Onka Boys
The team
The line up - we faced each other kneeling and all did a shot of Port prior to the game

Game on

Uncontested scrum
My hit-up
My mad-dog face..
It worked because I broke the tackle..

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