Monday 29 August 2016

Sarah's Visit and Malmo Festival

On Sunday 24th July, we had a visitor from Australia, one of Kristine's school friends, Sarah.

Kris and Sarah headed back to Stockholm for a weekend (visiting the Vasa Museum - where Kris took most of the awesome pictures in my previous post, using her tripod, and the cultural museum) as well as Ystad, Malmo central and Copenhagen.

In Copenhagen we followed the same pattern as our second trip - the compulsory stop at the Lille Havfrue,

Lille Havfrue
Amalienborg Palace and Frederik's Church
Frederik's Church
and this time we went inside the church, it was pretty impressive:
Inside the dome
Inside the church
We then headed down Strøget to the Lego Shop, Disney shop. We ended our day in Tivoli.

On the Stockholm Trip, they visited the Cultural Museum and got some interesting photos:
King Gustav
Rocking Turkey...?
Model reindeer, made purely of reindeer leather (reindeer leather, pure reindeer leather as Tom would say...)
The story of the reindeer model was of a Sami man who was poor and alone and made the models to sell.  They became so popular that he was able to buy a herd of reindeer


Sarah left to return home on the 1st of August.  After the excitement of the US trip, Helsinki, Tallin and Stockholm (twice for Kris) we had a couple of quiet weekends - cleaning the house, catching up on sleep and playing video games as well as catching up on the blog writing.

There was one last bit of excitement though, Malmo Festival came to town.

The festival ran from the 12th to the 19th of August and closed off most of central Malmo - from Gustav Adolfs Torg, through Stortorget up to the Central Station and dock area.  It consisted of stages with live music, food stalls, side-shows and rides.  We headed down after work on the 12th to check it out.
Dragon Slide at the entrance, outside Central Station

Lottery Game
The giant chocolate wheel games are pretty common in  Swedish fairs, a number is purchased and then a wheel is spun - if your number comes up you win a massive chocolate.  We didn't win - lucky for my belt...

Skating area set up outside Central
Looking west from outside Central Station
The walkway between Stortorget and Gustav Adolf's Torg
Gustav Adolf's Torg
Kids were practicing soccer skills in the drained fountain

The kids got to choose two rides each - Alana and Camera chose the dodgem cars (the massive bandage on the hand of the attendant didn't give us much confidence...)
Getting ready

Alana was slow to start but got the hang of it.  Notice also the spectators were standing right on the edge of the arena
The kids chose the fun-house as their second ride (Tom chose it for both of his)

After a couple of relaxing weeks it was back to crazy packing - next stop: Wales

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