Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Norway (27 Dec 24 - 10 Jan 2025) - Day 9-11

 We spent the next few days relaxing around the house and recovering from the craziness of the last few weeks.

The snow continued to fall, Trondheim had a record snowfall for this time of year.

Walking to the shop was fun:

We passed our very buried car: 

But it wasn't the worst...

The night before we were leaving we decided to dig the car out so we would have a quick getaway in the morning

While we were digging, a lady turned up in her car to find that her carpark was buried under six foot of snow. She started digging well, but was slowing down by the time we got our car clear. Tomas and I offered to help and found that she had been driving 7 hours to then arrive and find that she had to dig out her park. Tomas and I made short work of the pile.

That evening, Kris and I went for a walk up to the top of the hills behind it. It was a beautifully clear night, but no Northern Lights:

On the 6th of Jan, we left Trondheim to head south towards Lillehammer, which was our 'halfway' stop before we got to our next destination.  There was some heavy snow on the way, however we managed to keep to the main roads, which were clear.

Along the way we passed Horg Church in Melhus Municipality. It was built in cruciform style in 1893:

One of my favourite things was the frozen waterfalls along the edge of the road:

It was a bit chilly!

Along the way we saw many road signs completely covered in snow, making them impossible to read. As we watched the ploughs clearing the road we wondered if there was a similar plan for clearing the signs.  At one point we saw a truck spraying the signs with hot water to clear off ice, but this one was our favourite. It wielded a long arm that struck the signs and knocked the snow off of them.

Troll at Dombås Shopping centre

We stayed just outside Lillehammer, in a small town called Biri. The accommodation was a small add-on to an existing house and was nice and warm. We ended up going out for a drive to get dinner and got our washing done.  We'd originally planned to head into Lillehammer again, but we'd seen it on the way up and we were exhausted from the long drive in the snow and knew we had a big drive the next day.

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