Thursday 22 June 2023

Leaving Adelaide (15 Jun)

 As excited as we were to be heading back to Sweden it was bittersweet to be leaving so much behind - Alana, our parents and families, friends and the rugby club.  We tried our best to catch as many people before we left and hosted a going away party a couple of weekends before we left, but its always hard to leave everyone behind.  More this time as it was our first time being so far away from Alana.

The rugby team created a cardboard cutout of me that attended the first game I missed, including the bus tour and pub visit after:

My new computer background:

Meanwhile at home packing was happening and things were starting to feel real.  Even more so when a convoy of trucks arrived to pick it all up:

We were given a cubic meter of air freight that would be sent over quickly, however this was not able to contain any batteries of computers.  This was shipped on Friday 9th and we were expecting it when we arrived on the 19th of June, but instead it is now scheduled for the 1st week in July - I'm guessing it's off on a world tour...

It's off on a jaunt to New Delhi Airport then Frankfurt before finally landing in Arlanda (Stockholm) where it will be trucked to us.

For sea freight we were able to pack up to 6 cubic meters - we ended up with just over 3.  This was expected to take about 3 months, so we shipped it two months before we left and it is expected by mid-late July.  This pack has my computer, Kris and my bikes and lots of Lego.

The rest of our house was packed and loaded into storage on the trucks in the pictures above. The shipping containers will be stored until we return home.

Since our house was now empty of furniture, we were given a hotel room in town to stay at, with some very nice views:

For our last dinner in Adelaide we headed to Glenelg and had a family dinner with Alana and then of course we had to end up here:

Our flight was at 9:50pm, so we spent the day at Alana's house and then got to the airport nice and early.  There were lots of tears and it was hard to say goodbye, but it was also exciting to finally be heading off after so long preparing.

Our first flight was from Adelaide to Doha and was just over 12 and a half hours. I paid a little extra to get us exit row seats, so we had a bit more room than the last time and this made for a lot more comfortable flight.

We had only 3 hours in Doha, where we had a shower and something to eat and then we were off to Copenhagen (6.5 hours).

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