Thursday 15 February 2018

Vigeland's Sculpture Park - Frogner Park - Oslo

The Vigeland's Sculpture Park has to be one of my favorite places we have visited so far.  It was all sculpted by Gustav Vigeland as a study of the human form.

This trip I wanted to get a full set of pictures, this post is just a set of photos of the statues at the park:

The path we took
To start with we walked Southeast down the bridge.  At each corner of the bridge was a tall marble pillar, followed by a series of statues that lined the bridge.

NE Pillar

Paul's girlfriend always hugged a little too tightly

Jack loved squeezing his own nipples
Nothing to see here, just a naked man taking a small boy for a walk
Joe's last day working in childcare

Ten seconds before Sam got regurgitated milk down his back
Last time I tried this pose in a park I was arrested

Sally hadn't washed her hair for so long it tried to strangle her
Peter checks out Sally, but is not impressed

Jane is even less impressed by having to stand naked in the snow
He started it! No she started it!
Then he tries to apologize after the fight and she thinks it would be more sincere if he let go of her boobs
Little Billy was shocked at his parent's behavior
Harry and Alice get stuck in the wheel again!

The evil mastermind that put them in the wheel

Honey, the kids can see you even if you hide behind me

Graeme went in for a sneaky hug, but Jemma was lighter than he expected
Arrrgh, crap! Let me go!
When someone picks the urinal right next to you when there are plenty of other ones free
Not in shot were the 'Y', 'C' and 'A'
Michael tries to show off his new knuckle tattoo but Jake just isn't interested
The original design basis for the Oscar award statue
Pedro was annoyed that he wasn't considered for an award statue
When I snap my fingers I can pull a girl out of my knee!  Ta-da!

Ally was glad she'd shaved her underarms before turning up to pose
Bettie explains to mum how Ben was being a 'poo-face' this time

Mum pretends to listen
One day Robert would be able to afford a pony for little Brad, until then, however....
Two seconds before Hilly caught Mary in a full nelson.
It would take another minute before Elizabeth noticed the trickle of pee the baby had left on her leg

"He has a dirty nappy, you change it!"

The carry technique any parent of multiple kids knows

Baby hat!

SE Statue
SW Statue
When you try for the baby hat and end up eating feet
There is a baby there somewhere..
Another of the "He has a dirty nappy" shots
Nelly was nervous - her kid was missing again
The best hiding place is behind
Maybe a little too behind..

Is it a bird, is it a plane?
`No you idiots, its a falling child!  Caught you!
Miranda couldn't bear to watch
Doris never managed to get the moves of "I'm a little teapot" correct

The twins were way too late to catch the falling child
Not happy, Jan!
You lookin' at me?

Karl and Amanda carrying the giant glass pillar
While Dora watches and hopes they don't drop it
Phew, they made it
When leapfrog goes wrong
When a hug becomes a smother
This one doesn't really need a caption.
David's wheel stretching service didn't get too many customers these days
"I have jam all over my hands and I touched all the walls on the way to find you"

The parents tried to remain calm, but the jam was on the TV, computer and the dog
Frank was childfree and had no jam related issues

But Patricia had 17 children and was forced to pretend to be a statue to avoid the "When is dinner?" questions
Childfree Ida could do nothing but laugh as she ate her noodles for one
Larry had left Gerta home for a week with the three children - she was happy to have him home

It's my baby!

Ewww, Dad. I can see all the boogers in your nose.

Ray tried to jump the tackle - big mistake
Gritting his teeth, the baby sunk in the choke-hold

Ian could only watch as the baby choked out the old man

NE Pillar.

Next we headed down onto the lake (marked with 2) to see the baby sculptures:

After baby island, the next stop was the fountain.  The fountain had two parts - a series of trees that show "the life of man from cradle to grave" (Vigeland's Fountain Page) and a series of bronze reliefs that show the "eternal life cycle of mankind".  112 reliefs were made and 60 were selected to use at the end.

Baby Tree

More babies
Yep, kids that's how babies are made - you pick one from the tree

Circle of Life - Old man and baby
Old man and baby (or a kid finding a naked creepy man in a tree)
Kids climbing the tree - an adult can be seen in the middle

Climbing a tree

In the tree
Girls in a tree
Sky diving from a tree

Man - umm enjoying the tree
She's still waiting for him to finish with the tree
I'm a tree, lol
Now he's noticed her
"How ya' doing?"

"Wanna go pluck some babies from a tree?"

Hard to see this due to the sunglare - its an old man stretching in a tree

Death - and the returning to the Earth (being consumed by the tree)
Returning to the tree

Death and the end of the cycle
The centre of the fountain has a group of men lifting the basin:


And around the fountain are a series of bronze reliefs.  They were partially obscured by snow so the kids had to do some clearing for us to get the photos.  In no particular order, here they are:
The old "Let's play doctor"
The "It's been a loooong day" pose

Being kidnapped by a dwarf?
Hmm? Two people trying to pull a third person in two?
Twisting the head off
How to give your kid longer arms
Making babies kiss
The Eagle made a break down the sideline heading for a score, when BAM! Blindside tackle
Vomit on the face in 3...2...1
Follow the leader
Failing at hide and seek (if i can't see you, you can't see me)
Some dodgy-looking wrestling
Babies pulling at their parent's faces
"Stay! Stop following me!"
"Goddammit, where do all these lambs keep coming from?"
Tantrum training sessions were going well
Dog juggling babies
Nothing more uplifting than a dead family
Add caption


"You two ride the wolf, while i reach into its throat and try to get Freddie back"
"Johnny, I don't think the horse is happy!"
"I have to agree with you!"
Flying babies
More flying babies
I think this one is standing on a skeleton, but the snow obscured it
Move along, nothing to see here (I think there may be a skeleton under the snow)
The first trials of skeletal horse wrestling?
Nothing more cheerful than a dead family
The new Olympic sport - Synchronized dying
Trying to force the skeletons back into the body
Dead and partially buried
Good boy!
Come on kids, time to go home
Sleeping or dead
Sitting old guys
Robinson Crusoe
Still sitting
"Please kids, help me! Call an ambulance or something"
That's it! I'm sulking
"Damn you wolves! Give Freddie back!"
"Read all about it - floating dead woman kidnaps man!"
Sorry I let John be kidnapped by the floating woman
"Come on kid, we're going!"
Father Julius misunderstood the instruction manual for Baptisms
Elaine blocks Harry's ears so he doesn't hear the voices anymore..
The local school dance was ruined by the nudists
The principal tried to tell them off, but it was ruined by his own nudity
This looks like the start of a movie that belongs on a much different site.

The end result of the previous frieze
A woman and her goat
Another of 'those' movies

Using a child as a trampoline?
Safety tip 367: If you must ride a bear, do it backwards
Killer fish attack!
Safety Tip 456: Antlers can make a handy seat
Teaching how to do a cartwheel
"Screw this, we're going home"
An advert for contraception
"I'm not talking to you"
"I'm going to stand over here in case you have cooties."
The final part of the park was a monument column that was surrounded by a series of sculpture sets. It was a little hard to get perfect photos due to some construction work that was taking place:

The Monument

View from the fountain

Gates leading up
Gates leading down
Move along, nothing to see here..
Woman attacked by babies

Mavis and Beryl were quite concerned with what those two men were doing
This was a sad one so I won't make a joke
Old men
Old man squashed between two women
Family secrets
Old man attacked by babies
Piggy Back
Comforting the sad guy
Baby Pile!
Old man comforts the young guy
Crowd Surfing practice
Pile-on take 2
Setting up a scrum
Yoga lessons
Planning something
Don't worry son, one day we'll be able to afford clothes
Posture training
Nude kids riding a stone
"He stole my cupcake! Give it back!"

Another view of the above

I don't see those flying babies yet
"I can smell your brains!"
"Look! Over there! A guy in a black jacket"
Posing lessons
Washing her hair
Back to Back
The old woman grooms the younger one, removing lice and eating them
Bad mood
I'm pretty sure that's an illegal wrestling move
He pretends not to watch as she puts her hair up in a bun
Trevor knew putting glue on his forehead was a bad idea
Choke Hold!
Grandpa makes his move

He's mad and he won't tell her why

Jordan wins the face eating contest
and Francis is not happy
Grandpa and Grandma look on

The final part of the park was the Wheel of Life down the far end of the park from the bridge:

The Wheel of Life in the distance
If you managed to get through all that, congratulations! That was a walkthrough of the whole of the Vigeland's Sculpture Park in Oslo, Norway.

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