Friday 9 October 2015

The never ending "to do" list!

First of all, many thanks to those who came and saw us at the going away party. It was good to catch up with you all before we got too busy to think, let alone socialise! We did plan of having some pictures to put up, we even took the camera, but it stayed in its case the whole time- oops.

In the two weeks since the party, it has been an endless stream of tasks on the never ending "to do" list. Anything and everything has been on the list- from cleaning out the cupboards to cleaning out the vegi patch (if you want any seedlings, they are out the front- help yourself). I am sick of seeing boxes, piles of "stuff to sort", and bugging the neighbours for space in their bins!

We are still waiting on our final papers to clear before we can leave, but we are at the 2 weeks stage- 2 weeks and we will be in Sweden! We are also getting emails through about houses in Sweden, so we are moving one step closer to knowing where we will be living once we get there!

Tomorrows "to do" list is already a mile long, so this is just a short update, sleep needs to fit in somewhere.


PS- if you are sending us a Skype request, please drop us an email with the Skype name so we know who you are :)

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