Wednesday 21 October 2015

Look out Sweden, we have arrived!

I think the words "Oh my, what have we done" have run through our heads at least 20 times a day since we got to the airport.

The flights over were fairly uneventful, I can say that with a clear conscience as I was not aware Keir had been battling motion sickness the entire way from Adelaide to Dubai - due to being unable to unblock his ears! We got to check out the new gadgets on the plane- they have nose and ground cameras, so you can watch the take-off and landing from the nose of the plane, or during the flight, you can check out the view from directly below the plane.

The kids travelled well, they did sleep a little bit on the way to Dubai, probably about 6 hours of broken sleep throughout the 16 hour flight. They were awake for all of the flight from Dubai to Copenhagen. They took this opportunity to try out all the games and movies on the in flight entertainment in the back of the seats. Keir and I slept a little bit, pretty much taking it in turns as to who was awake, so to describe us as shattered on arrival is an understatement!

Once getting to Copenhagen, we got through the airport quickly (for anyone wondering, you don't have to declare 4.4 kg of Vegemite, or 6 packets of Timtams), and we managed to cram our 16 pieces of luggage and ourselves into a tiny 7 seater taxi (which proceeded to demonstrate that speed limits and indicators are optional extras) and zoomed over the Oresundsbron bridge from Denmark into Sweden. The part where we got to our hotel was straight out of a Griswold Family movie. We were dropped off at the place to get the key, only to find out that the apartment was another 1.6km away. Normally this would not be a big deal, but after 22 hours of travelling, and carting nearly 200kg of luggage, it nearly broke us! We did eventually find the apartment (behind the Red Cross refugee staging area- we must have really looked like we belonged there at this stage), only to find that it was on the 5th floor (and we found the service elevator after the first mammoth fully laden stair climb had happened).

After realising that there was nothing to eat in the apartment, we bumbled through getting some bread and milk (i think we cut in on the line at the shop), and stumbled back to the apartment.

But, we found where we were staying, made up all the beds and collapsed for a well needed 14 hours of sleep!

That was yesterday, and today we have been brave enough to go out and walk to the Malmo castle, go to the electronics store and buy an adaptor plug, find a chemist for some much needed Panadol, and find an ICA to do an almost normal priced shop for real food for dinner (last night it was Vegemite on toast). We only got slightly sidetracked once or twice- we never got "lost", we could find ourselves on the map we had, so no damage was done! There may be a few annoyed cyclists around- the kids keep stepping into the path of them!


  1. Those plane cameras sound amazing!! Glad you guys made it safely and it makes it more interesting when it's an "adventure". Have fun guys and miss you all lots. PS Chad has got the service light fixed on the car, a new glove box and ordered the part for the indicator xx Tara

  2. It is now March 2016 but I have read this.
